Marble Lake
About 55 deg. overnite. overcast. Pleasant. Water temp. dropped 5 deg. in 2 days.
1st John/Brad, 2nd Don/Al, 3rd Art/Dave, BFish Jim/Rich

Dropped, banged, bloody and bruised. And Biggest.

Fish of the Fields.

Al, praying for big numbers.


Here fishy, fishy.

Jim and Val with stranger in back.

Troy and Holly. She's saying-Smile Troy!


Mr. Big Fish.

In the money 2 weeks in a row.

Finally, a piece of the action. 2nd Place


John/Brad. All smiles. In the winners circle.

2 more reasons why fishing is better than sex.

Your Fishing partner doesn't get upset about people you fished with long ago

It's perfectly respectable to Fish with a total stranger


